martes, 28 de agosto de 2007

Your Comments

Dear Jason

my uncle has prostate cancer and wants to take 40 apricot kernels per day, crushed, dissolved in water, in divided doses of 10 kernels each time. Have you run into anyone that has reversed their cancer with that much kernel dosage per day? My uncle feels 7-10 kernels per day is preventative, while 40 per day is theraputic. What do you think?


Hi Jason,
I am forwarding some links re cancer which I sent to a friend of mine whose mother has just been diagnosed with it. Maybe there will be something of interest in them that you might find useful.

with every good wish
from Anna

Dear Jason,

My husband and myself read your column in this week's Town Crier and my
husband has regular check ups for his Prostrate as the level was very high at one stage.
He would now like to take the Apricot Kernels obviously and could you tell
us whether these are available.

Any info. you could give would be appeciated.


Hi Jason
This is re the phone call today concerning apricot seeds, you said you would be good enough to let me have the details of where to buy them from in Spain.
Thank you for your help
Brian Ford

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