jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2007

My Soul preached to me

My soul Preached to me

"Now I realize that wherever I am contains all places and the distance I walk, contains all distances"

Have you ever stopped to wonder about the secrets of life. Are you enchanted by the uniqueness of every individual who walks this earth?
Have you stopped your thoughts and listened to the gentle breeze that shimmers through the fragrant pine?
Have you taken time out of your day to be grateful for every moment you are blessed with?

Unfortunately I suppose I am talking to a minority, who will stop and think for a moment.
But perhaps this special moment as you read this column today, may just make you think and re-kindle the memories of a loved one who is no longer here on earth, yet. though, just in the next room, awaiting that special connection to you through a thought form in your conscious or unconscious state of mind.

A couple of weeks ago I went to the funeral of a departed friend. A friend, though not knowing her well, had crossed my path and touched not only my heart, but throughout her life the hearts of many. I re-kindled an evening sat within a healing circle where we all faced our fears. Yet it was not an evening of negative thoughts, but one of smiles and humour. It was her laughter, her humour and her smile that radiated though the room like a glowing ball of white light.

It is also the inspirational people who walk this earth that help me to overcome everyday stresses, that appear impartial and hardly worth mentioning, compared with a battle for life.A battle for another breath, another moment to share a kiss, a hug a conversation, the existance of life. It would appear that when a person is confronted with a chronic or terminal illness, that the urge to turns ones life around, comes very much to the fore. Having known and worked with people who are chronically and terminally ill, I know for one that I am deeply inspired by many people who even when they are experiencing great pain, they are able to smile.

One middle aged woman, was once a strict religious church goer whose life was governed by the bible and the church. It was her life and she lived for every word. She wore blinkers and retained the prejudices that the book often teaches. That was, until she found out she had Cancer. She could not undertand why she a church going individual who prayed daily had been given this dreadful illness where she experienced so much pain.

As she battled for her life, she realized that she was not in touch with her soul. She realized that she wanted to change and accept people for who they were rather than what the church or the outside world created within the minds of men. As she faced a near death experience, she realized that she wanted life and not death. She realized she wanted to see the good in everyone. She realized that there was more to life. Having reached middle age, she realized that she still had not experienced life. Once when she was impatient with little time for anyone else, she stopped to think about the breath we are all blessed with each day. She stopped to listen to the swallows as they made their nests.

Perhaps more importantly, even though she prayed each day, she realized that she too had lessons to learn and paths to walk. If she did not experience this pain, this life changing situation, she would not have found time for herself or others. She would not have stopped and taken the blinkers off to see the universe as it is rather than what we are conditioned to think it is.

The greatest gifts are given to us when we are faced with a hurdle. Once we are able to jump over the hurdle we are able to look back and see that life goes on and we can overcome and achieve lifes hurdles, yet at the same time enabling us to feel good about it even though in those stressful moments they appear hard.
Have you ever walked down a pathway admiring the view?
Then for some reason you turn around and walk up the same pathway from another direction?
Well you, who have experienced this will know that one always sees things that you didnt notice before. Or that you are able to look at a view from a different angle. Well the same can be said of life. To look at life from another perspective, another direction rather than the one you feel is the only one. It would appear that when faced with Cancer for example. those who are weak and feel sorry for themselves walk the path of why me? with little conviction to change and do little to help themselves or others around them, yet they are teachers.

Those who walk the path, yet turn around and walk up the same path, yet from the other direction, gain strength and fortitude. They are able to look at themselves with conviction and strength. They are able to see that they are changing and that there is more to life. They are able to become aware of all that is and see that there is another way in which they can turn their life around.

Please try to take time out of you day to walk down a path and become aware of your surroundings. Then walk back and again taking in all that you see. Then note the differences that the two opposite pathways present to you.

This will help you to look at your life and your current circumstances differently, with what ever hurdle you are currently facing in your life today.
Comments please to sacredcirclespain@yahoo.es

Re: article Healing Cancer no.5 Bras and Breast Cancer

Dear Jason

I just read your article in Town Crier. I am an internationally qualified lymph drainage therapist and, featured in this capacity on SKY TV . I also teach partners/family of breast cancer victims the basics of MLD to enable them to relieve the suffering on a daily basis.

"Of course, illness can result from wearing too tight an anything and I agree with your expert that a bra is likely the most dangerous garment of all as it restricts the heart and lungs as well as the lymphatic system.

The lymphatic system, which removes waste products from our bodies by means of a network of glands, is an integral component of our wellness and a major player in the orchestra of our immune system.

While the lymphatic glands form a mosaic pattern throughout our body that can be likened to that of blood vessels (in fact there are more lymph glands than blood vessels), there is a basic difference and this is what makes restrictive clothing dangerous to its being able to function effectively.

Unlike the blood vessel, the lymph vessels are close to the skin so are more vulnerable and regular, deep tissue, sports and swedish massage "misses" them.

Victims of breast cancer may recover quicker and with less discomfort by incorporating manual lymph drainage treatments in their wellness regimes.

I teach friends and family members basic lymph drainage to that they are able to help their loved ones on a daily basis.

To explain more fully, the lymphatic system has no natural "oomph" there is nothing to propel the toxic waste along the channels towards the exit points (nodes) - underarm (axillas) and groins ( inguinals) sending its loads on their way round the body, unlike the pumping heart helping the circulation of blood, the lymph glands just sit there, waiting to be stimulated.

So, unrestricted movement of connective tissues and some exercise are vital to our wellbeing. Even an early morning gentle stretch can make all the difference in our toxin drainage programme..the difference between premature ageing and healthy connective tissue; the difference between our body holding on to infection and stored fat or sending the toxic waste, packing! "

In regard to your comment about air travel, there are lymph 'wells' on the top of the feet and when the ankles and legs are under-exercised that collection of lymph vessels blow up because there's no outlet for their load.

Similarly, the breath is restricted if clothing is tight. Neither the body nor the mind, let alone the spirit, can be inspired nor energised if the breath is not allowed free flow through the organs.

Please feel free to use any of the above in the Town Crier. For other reproduction check with me first and I'd appreciate giving the "once over" to edits. Thanks.

in harmony
Lyndy (Moore Eggleton) 952 463 795 & for further information www.soundtouch.com

Hi Jason!


How will we ever have peace in the world if all our language is of war.

Yes, you are welcome to put a link to my site...I will put you on mine if you show me how!

All this talk of toxins..what do people know of lymph drainage. If we could call it something more attractive (because it is a beautiful and life enhancing therapy) maybe it could be a more successful antidote to obesity!

In regard to urine therapy. I knew a man, an elderly man, who was diagnosed with prostrate cancer. He lived a long time drinking his urine and eating grapes..just one man...just one man trusting his instincts.

I believe that cancer often becomes life threatening through stress. Some degree of that stress is as a result of the way the medical profession handles a patient with POSSIBLE malignancy. And, how the media handles the statistics and the words. This stress, however, is the overload of years of "small" "unrelated" "unimportant" stresses that have entered the body and, like Topsy, grown and grown. I could go on..

The Healing Power of Sound is one I'd happily help you write. It is non invasive and so, so powerful to change the vibration of a dis-eased person. My sound guru, Chris James, has enjoyed considerable success with the release of disease from patients suffering with ovarian cancer.

Through my craniosacral/sound work I have also seen miracles happen with patients suffering from lymph cancer.

Let me hear more from you Jason. THanks for being in touch.

in harmony

Hi, l just want to comment on your article in the Town Crier about bras and Breast cancer. Eleven yeras ago when l had an Aerobics centre l got breast cancer. l was slim and hardly ever wore a bra.The following year l had another lump and had a mastectomy, l still did not like wearing a bra but did when l went out but never at home, Three years a go l had another lump and l have just come back from a top London Hospital after another operation for another breast lump. So in my case not wearing a bra has not helped me , l wish that had been the answer but the truth is, according to my top surgeon , it has nothing to do with life style.
Yours, Carolyn Ogarrra

Dear Jason,

I read with interest your article dated September 10th in the Town Crier.

Until recently I noticed no problems but on the way back from holiday this year it seemed that just after landing, my breasts were very painful down the outer sides. After looking on websites seemingly I have a common problem (if that is the correct terminology) and after seeing my doctor I am booked for a mammogram.

Interestingly just prior to the holiday I bought new underwear and the bras are quite structured. Also after holiday eating and relaxing I have certainly put on weight, and found I had to literally peel the bras off in the evenings.

The symptoms were receding but last night the tenderness came back and I can feel not hard lumps but something in the same are of the breast which is where the lymph glands are. Today I decided for the first time in years not to wear a bra!

I am positive of a definite time this started – not a gentle leading up to but almost to a date when this happened and the circumstances surrounding it.

Can you let me know where I could read up further information please on this as I would prefer to try and alleviate the symptoms naturally.

If you want more info from me to help in any survey etc then let me know

Kind regards


Hi Jason, I will try them

Yes you can use my letter and after your article I looked more closely at the structures of my bras. I bought them from the same shop I had bout a year or so ago without problems, but I noticed the difference in the bras I have. Some are a one piece cup slightly padded, which seemingly allows the breast to form its own shape. Another had one seam up the middle from the underwire to the top – both perfectly comfortable and caused me no pain or problems (usual tenderness around the time of the month I don’t count) but three of the new sets had a seam from base up then an inch from the top another seam going from underarm to opposite edge thereby making a very fitted cup – I felt wonderful in them and my breasts were up where I thought they should be, however I am now thinking it was them plus the flying and doing nothing on holiday that collaborated in the intense pain afterwards – so bad I went to my doctor, which I haven’t been to for over 10 years!!

I reverted to the other bras and after a couple of days had relief, in fact almost immediately. Now, Im not saying it may not be down to my age – Im 41 and so changes I think are in the offing, but to go from practically nothing to that bad a pain cant be hormonal.

And as I type, I have been all day without bra and the tenderness has eased noticeably!

By the way, I have emailed the authors to join the study as well.

Many thanks for bringing this to my attention and I will be telling all my friends

Perhaps clothing namufacturers could design a slightly thicker band of stretchy material to stop nipples showing through when going bra-less!!

Ps if it helps I am a 34 DD – so always thought I needed a bra!


Thank you Jason,

I googled the names of the researchers and found their web – I have also ordered their book by Amazon!

Kind regards


viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2007

Healing Cancer part 6- Urine Therapy

Once again I feel I have to thank you for the response to these articles. I also feel it is important to stress that any information that you read within this column, is there for education purposes as well as planting a seed. You have your own free will as to whether you take these articles on board, and further research them or place them to one side.

I had a couple of e.mails in the week as well as a phone call, that led me to investigate the healing properties of Urine.
Now when I first heard about this I thought someone was taking the p***. But to be truthful, there have recently been various documentaries on television and some hardline facts that have been brought to the surface upon this subject.

What are the properties of Urine?
Urine, we tend to think as a waste product that we all release each day. Yet it is NOT a dirty or toxic substance that we think of. Urine is actually a by product of blood filtration, not waste filtration. Medically it is referred to as "Plasma Ultrafiltrate". It is the purified derivitive of the blood itself, made by the kidneys, whose principle function is not excretion, but regulation of all elements and their concentrations in the blood.
Interestingly Urine can be compared to leftovers from a meal. This metaphor can help us understand why our bodies excrete elements that are valuable to our health and well being.
95% of urine is water, 2.5% consists of urea and 2.5% is a mixture of minerals, salt, hormones and enzymes.
The toxic waste is removed through the liver and the intestine.

Perhaps you have noted that the content of these articles can been seen to be controversial. But I feel it is the controversial therapies that do need to be talked about. They do need to be written about and put into the public eye.

Urine is considered to be a valuable source of nourishment and healing. Perhaps it is too contoversial as it is NOT financially rewarding to the pharmaceutical companies, health system or the governments. Imagine that we could cure ourselves if we drank our own urine. What affect would that have upon society? How much money would the patient and the consumer save. Only today I was with a friend who had Cancer, who remains on various medications. Just amounting the cost is incredible, over 50 euros a month for her medications.

Ones own urine is a living food, containing the properties that are specific to the healing process of the indivdual body. The body is constantly producing a huge variety of anti-bodies, hormones, enzymes, and natural chemicals to regulate and control its functions to combat that one may not be aware of.

Clinical studies have proved that thousands of critical body chemicals and nutrients that end up in the urine, reflect the individual bodies functions. When re-utilized these chemicals and nutrients act as natural vaccines, anti bacterials anti viral, anti carcinogenic agents as well as hormone imbalances and allergy relievers. The information that your urine containes cannot be duplicated or derived from any other source.

Urotherapy is the healing through the urine to aid ones own health. Studies have been caried out on Cancer patients and show incredible resonses.
Cancer cells release various antigens, some of which appear in urine. It is suggested that auto-urotherapy is suggested as a new treatment for cancer patients.

So what is Urine therapy?
Well believe it or not, but Urine therapy has been practised for thousands of years, and only recently within the last century fell into the depths of obscurity along with many other natural cures for illness. It may however be a little un orthodox or even seem revolutionary to suggest that ones own urine is the cure for ones own illness.
Dr. Evagelos Danopouolos of Greece reported that urea fround in urine has anti.cancerous properties. It appears that urea seems to disrupt the ability of Cancer cells to group together and kills them by upsetting the normal metabolic activity.

Urine therapy has been used to treat Cancers of the skin, cervix, lungs, eyes, breast, and the liver.

History of Urine Therapy
The History of drinking urine for medicinal purposes dates back to the Holy Roman Empire. For centuries European Gypsies have known about the healing and curative properties of urine. It is also reported that Yogis and tibetan masters reach greater ages though drinking their own urine.
In the 1800s there was a book written called one thousand notable things and describes the use of urine as a cure for scurvy, relief of skin itching, cleansing of wounds, as well as many other treatments. An 18th century french dentist, praised urine as a valuable mouthwash. In england during the 1860s to 70s drinking ones own urine was a common cure for jaundice. The alasken eskimos use urine as an antiseptic to treat wounds, and im sure many of you know that if you tread on a sea urchin, the doctors prescribe that if you urinate on the foot, this will disinfect the spine and release it from the foot.
There is so much more information upon this therapy.

There are several books and medical journals written upon this subject.

Websites of recommendation include
Joseph Eldor MD Theoretical Medicine Institute -Israel


Your own perfect medicine
by Martha Christy

Dr. A.H. Free,
published his book Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice,

Comments please to sacredcirclespain@yahoo.es

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2007

Article taken from my sacred series

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, bacardi in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming, "WOO HOO what a ride!"

Yes this week was going to be about co-incidences and in a way it is, though not the article I had originally planned. But hay ho, its obviously meant to be that way. This week I have had yet more confirmations of this belief, this thought about living for today, living in the moment.

In living for the moment, it does not mean that we throw our lives away and drink as many gin and tonics as we can, nor does it mean smoke yourself silly that you are unable to breathe the following day. What it does mean is create a form of balance and harmony into your life. It means that you appreciate each and every day.

Affirm to yourself each day
I am happy and I celebrate being alive
It is a fantastic world that I live in
I see the best in everyone I know

This week is Breast Cancer awareness week. To highlight this I received the following poem which once again highlights the co-incidence about enjoying and living for today.

In honour of Breast Cancer Month and in memory of Erma Bombeck who lost her fight with cancer

(By Erma Bombeck)

I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded.

I would have eaten the popcorn in the GOOD living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.

I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.

I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up! On a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.

I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.

I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.

I would have cried and laughed less while watching television and more while watching life.

I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I wasn’t there for the day.

I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn’t show soil or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.

Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I’d have cherished every moment realizing that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.

When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, “Later, now go get washed up for dinner.”

There would have been more “I Love You’s” and more “I’m sorry’s” but mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute ….. Look at it and really see it… live it. And never give it back.

Here is an angel sent to watch over you.

jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2007

lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2007

Healing Cancer -Part 5

Dedicated to Jane Tomlinson
Rest in Peace

Your response to these articles has been absolutly overwelming. It just goes to show how many of you are determined to find an alternative to the conventional methods of healing.
I have created a blog dedicated to your responses as well as further researched information that has been made available to me. Please keep those comments and messages coming in. Together we can help each other and create an even greater awareness of natural souces of healing that cure Cancer.

In the week I had a gentleman who called me, who preferes to remain anon, as he fears that his life would be in danger if he spoke out with the knowledge that he holds. He does help people cure many illnesses including Cancer. Unfortunately the Pharmaceutical companies and influencial businesses tend to quieten certain individuals if they dare to speak out.

Since receiving informationI have begun researching.
He drew me to the attention of Breast Cancer. He claims that he is able to cure breast Cancer within a daily two week period. Now some of you reading this may think that it must be some quack, but it is easy as believing. Are we conditioned to believe that Cancer is impossible to heal, or is their a possibility in an actual cure?

He interestingly, informed me that a study had been carried out. The findings are quite astounding.
Breast Cancer used to be called "nuns disease". Apparently alarming cases of nuns first suffered with the cancer. No one was really able to distinguish why. But interestingly nuns, were made to wear tight fitting under garments to supress their woman hood. Then the first Case of breast Cancer came to light after the bra and bodice was brought into fashion.

Wearing tight fitting bodices and bras to lift the breast and create an attractive shapely figure, were also creating a silent and harmful illness later to be called breast Cancer.
The tightness that the bra or corset prevents the lymphatic tissue from around the breast, from flowing naturally.
Years later, in fact only recently a studie founded the following information.This servey was carried out by "Singer and Grismaijer"
Women who wore bras 24 hours a day had a 3 out of 4 chance of developing breast Cancer
Women who wore the bra for 12 hours a day, but not in bed, had a 1 in 7 risk of developing breast Cancer.
Wearing the bra less that 12 hours a day created a 1 in 152 risk
Those women who wore a bra rarely had a reduced risk of 1 in 168
And women whonever wore a bra , there was a 125 fold difference.

So why are these survays not brought into mainstream society?
If they were, would anyone take any notice?
Perhaps fashion and beauty pays a price.

The study also found that women with a higher status had more chance in developing breast Cancer.
Women who exercised had less chance of developing the cancer as the lymphatic flow was able to move. Mainly the study followed the wearing of the bra and the restricion of flow of the lymphatic system. If you are on a plane and sit for hours without movement, often the ankles swell and lymphatic circulation goes to nearly nil leading to anoxia.low oxygen content). This incidently is related to fibrosis and is another avenue towards Cancer.

If a woman however has movement in her breasts when she walks, runs, etc.. she is stimulating the breasts and thus in turn enabling the lymphatic tissues to move.This is known to cleanse the breast of toxins and wastes that arise from the cellular metabolism.

Singer and Grismaijer went on to publish a book called "Dressed to kill" published by Avery press 1995
They suggest in their book to stop wearing a bra for a period of 2-3 week and see if you recognise a difference in the way you feel. Apparently they are also working on a new study witha medical team to find out if Fybrocystic breast disease can be stopped, by not wearing a bra within an week period.

Food for thought.
Many years ago it was thought funny to imagine that cigarettes caused lung cancer.
Do you think it is funny or strange that the bra could cause breast Cancer?

40000 women get breast cancer anually
Over 10000 die from it in the uk alone

Treating 40000 women for breast Cancer annually generates revenues of about 1 billion from the use of cancer drugs

Bra sales generate an estimated 3 billion anually

Please send your comments to sacredcirclespain@yahoo.es or call 0034 677 114 989

Jane Tomlinson, a runner who raised 1.75 million pounds for charity after being diagnosed with terminal cancer seven years ago, has died.

Tomlinson's family said that the 43-year-old Leeds-based runner died at St Gemma's hospice, Leeds, at 9 p.m. on Monday.

Tomlinson was first diagnosed with cancer in 1990. After seemingly successful treatments, she was told in 2000 she had incurable, advanced metastatic breast cancer.

The disease spread, and was extensive. The prognosis was for her to survive just six months.

Over a seven-year period, however, she endured numerous courses of chemotherapy and various drug regimes despite also developing chronic heart disease.

Defying doctors, she took on a series of challenges that were apparently impossible for someone with cancer who was undergoing chemotherapy treatment.

These included a full Ironman event, consisting of a 4km swim, a 180km bike ride and a full marathon, completed inside 17 hours; two half-Ironmans; the London marathon (three times) and the New York marathon; three London triathlons; and three long-distance bike rides: John O'Groats to Land's End, Rome to Home, and her final challenge, a 4,214-mile ride across the US.

Among the charities to benefit from her achievements are Sparks, which is dedicated to medical research into conditions affecting babies and young children, Macmillan Cancer Support and Martin House Children's Hospice, which provides care and support to families in which there is a child, or children, with a short life expectancy.

Tomlinson also raised money for paediatric acute services at Leeds teaching hospital NHS trust, where she became a radiographer, Bluebell Wood children's hospice, in Doncaster, and the US-based Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation, which aims to encourage young scientists to take on the challenge of defeating cancer. (ANI with inputs)

domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2007