martes, 26 de febrero de 2008

Alternative Medicine with Kevin Day

Over the next couple of weeks these articles will focus upon alternative health treatments. This is not to be confused with complementary. The difference is that Complementary medicine works alongside Orthodox medicine. Complementary medicine often falls into the catagory of Reiki, Reflexology, Massage, Shiatsu, Nutritional Therapy, Aromatherapy, meditation, Yoga and so forth. They used to be termed as "Alternative" yet now a days they are very much seen as a "complement" to Orthodox medicine. Adopting Complementary medicine into mainstream society, assists in treating the whole person.

Alternative Medicine however, is as it states. It is an "Alternative" to Conventional or Orthodox medicine. Once again the "Complementary Therapies" or "Holistic Approach" also works very well alongside "Alternative Medicine". For examples of what Alternative Medicine includes, are the following; Herbal Medicine, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, as well as Chiropractic.
These are based upon non-traditional belief systems or Philosophies. Though traditional could be re-phrased, thus what is "Traditional?"

We are continually told that "if you take this pill, you will get better", rather than "if you take this flower from this plant and make a tea, you will feel and get better".
Alternative approaches to Medicine tend not to follow the scientific approach as such, but more the metaphysical, spiritual and sometimes Religious connections.

Recently I invited along "Kevin Day", an Alternative Practitioner who has worked and travelled all over the world studying Alternative approaches to heal the welbeing of man. He gave a deep and inspirational talk to a full evening of people who were all reaching out to embrace an alternative approach to their healing journey. Some also were Herbalists and Complementary Therapists who were interested in furthering thier knowledge, of Universal Teaching beyond Orthodox medicine.
Firstly I feel it is beneficial to introduce Kevin. He is a man with passion in his voice and the words he speaks. He is in many ways like a walking encyclopedia, whom has studied Alternative treatments and living for the past 30 years. He is also a man who is not afraid to speak his truth. He will not pull the wool over your eyes, far from it, he will tell you as it is.
Some people find him direct and perhaps, sometimes a little harsh. But if you want to be well and healthy, then maybe you have to listen to the facts.

So who is Kevin Day?
I recently asked Kevin for his background, and his Journey in Alternative Medicine.
"I have studied most methods of healing from all over the World. There is very little natural healing or Energy Medicine taught here in the West. For example the American Indians had medicine only toched upon in western medicine, likewise Arabic and Chinese medicine. Every Religion in the World has information on Health. For example Moses gave us laws of health, diet and hygiene, the Hindus teach oil pulling, Mohammed taught us Kefir and Camel milk and Honey. Sosan taught us the oneness of everything and positive thought, Taoism teaches natural earth and body energies."

In What countries have you studied Alternative Medicine?
"My time in Morrocco was particularly edicational for my Herbal knowledge. I do not put any faith in the Western System of qualifications as qualifications do not cure. I believe and feel Knowledge cures. For example in Morrocco lives a very old chinese man who just looks at a person and can diagnose and cure any lung problem. He has no qualifications and can not read or write. But Morroccan doctors who are experts on lungs, send their patients they are unable to cure."
"A Jewish Rabbi friend of mine taught me about Demonic Possession, What Nutropathic Clinic in the West can teach you about that?"
I also trained under Jane Albright, an individual practitioner, who is the UK number one scenar and rista expert. She trained in Russia under the inventor of these machines. They are used in every Russian Hospital. There is nothing in Western Hospitals that even rocognises this equipment".
I lived in Australia for 6 month studying Aboriginal medicine.

What is your Passion?
This line of work in Alternative Health is what I love. There are so many sick people out there. They are sick because of lack of knowledge.There are very few people teaching how to overcome illness and disease. Those that do are often restricted by rules and regulations. Most people are left without hope or direction. I love health problems. If a person says they can not be cured, then I want that person. If a person says they can not cure a person, it is because they dont know how to.

Continued next week....
If you have any questions regarding this article please e.mail

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